• Resolved tomasz1976


    I am trying for days already to solve a problem, and could not find any real answer. Maybe someone can help me here.
    I installed wordpress on http:/ /mydomain.com. I made subdomain too: http:/ /img.mydomain.com
    Obviously I want all my images to be stored on my subdomain for faster page load.
    In uploading files options in Media Setup, I made the following entries: Store Uploads in this folder: /images
    Full URL Path to files: http:/ /img.mydomain.com
    When I am trying to upload an image it goes OK till the crunching. After I see the picture settings, but not the thumnail image, and the file is never saved anywhere.
    I am getting crazy. Help please…

    P.S.: I have hosting by GoDaddy, maybe this is the problem?

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  • It is due to using a fully qualified subdomain, as opposed to a sub-folder within the root of your site…and no it’s not a Godaddy issue as I have blogs using them using the siteroot/images setup…

    Thread Starter tomasz1976


    Thank you for quick answer.
    What it means: fully qualified subdomain?
    Can you tell me what should I do to have this problem solved?

    Thanks a lot ??

    The image folder needs to reside within the domain of your WordPress install…,i.e., //domain.com/images/file.jpg and not //sub.domain.com
    unless you have installed a plugin for CDN or otherwise modified the way WordPress handles media through PHP.

    I am unclear of your goal, is it to load your media from an external site, such as with a CDN?

    Thread Starter tomasz1976


    Hi. Yes my goal is to load media from external place, so it can be loaded paralel with the other reqest by browsers and speed up the page load time.
    I read, that WP dosen’t support to do that with external domains, but its possible to do it with the subdomain.
    Here is the article: https://hellboundbloggers.com/2010/06/13/host-images-of-wordpress-blog-in-subdomain/

    So if I just change to subfolder, then really nothing wil change.
    Do you think its possible what I want to achive?

    Thank you again.

    [no bumping please]



    @tomasz1976, did you ever get this worked out? I tried it and finally did!

    Store uploads in this folder: img
    (NO beginning slash!)

    Full URL Path to files: http:/ /img.mydomain.com

    IF you have any existin images on your site in the wp-content/uploads folder:

    in your .htaccess you need:

    # Begin redirect for existing images
    RedirectMatch 301 /wp-content/uploads/(.*)$ https://images.mydomain.com/$1
    # End redirect for existing images

    And run this SQL query in your mySQL database:
    UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = REPLACE(guid,’https://www.yourdomain.com/wp-content/uploads/’,’https://images.yourdomain.com/’)

    Clear your browser cache (Ctrl+F5 in Mozilla Firefox Shift+F5 or Ctrl+F5 in Chrome) and see what happens.

    It took me hours and hours of frustration, searching & trying to get it to work. I can now not only have all new uploads go onto the subdomain, but without permissions issues either.

    Hope this helps you! ??

    Thread Starter tomasz1976


    Hi Persephone,

    thanks for the help. Yes the issue is solved. The slash before the folder name was the problem.
    Now it works great, thank you. ??



    Tomasz1976, I was wrong about the beginning slash before the folder name – check on your server – without the beginning slash, WordPress will just make a folder called img in your WP installation, which defeats the purpose of the subdomain!

    I’m now struggling with this and I get a permissions error whenever I try to upload an image – this is much more difficult than it should be. ?? I’m sorry about the wrong info – I really thought it was working the way I wanted it to work!

    Thread Starter tomasz1976


    It works for me fine. The WordPress is not making any folder by it self, and the pictures are uploaded to the subdomain. I checked it thru FTP too.

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