• Dear All,

    To limit the duplicates in the media library, is there a way to notify the user when they upload a file and there is already a file with the same name(crc check would be amazing)?

    I know wordpress renames the file, but to keep the amount of duplicates and use the “media replace” plugin as much as possible this notifaction would be great!

    Many thanks!

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  • You can use the code below with $ignore_path = true to test for duplicates before uploading. If this function returns the id of an attachment, use that instead of re-uploading. This is currently based on filename only but you could easily add crc to it. I will be adding an md5 check eventually and will post that at: https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/50207/11310

    // get the id of attachment if filename matches
    // props to Rarst https://wordpress.stackexchange.com/a/7094/11310
    function get_attachment_id( $url, $ignore_path = false ) {
    	if ( ! $ignore_path ) {
    		$dir = wp_upload_dir();
    		$dir = trailingslashit($dir['baseurl']);
    		if( false === strpos( $url, $dir ) )
    			return false;
        $file = basename($url);
        $query = array(
            'post_type' => 'attachment',
            'fields' => 'ids',
            'meta_query' => array(
                    'value' => $file,
                    'compare' => 'LIKE',
        $query['meta_query'][0]['key'] = '_wp_attached_file';
        $ids = get_posts( $query );
        foreach( $ids as $id ) {
    		$match = array_shift( wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, 'full') );
            if( $url == $match || ( $ignore_path && strstr( $match, $file ) ) )
                return $id;
        $query['meta_query'][0]['key'] = '_wp_attachment_metadata';
        $ids = get_posts( $query );
        foreach( $ids as $id ) {
            $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($id);
            foreach( $meta['sizes'] as $size => $values ) {
                if( $values['file'] == $file && ( $ignore_path || $url == array_shift( wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, $size) ) ) )
                    return $id;
        return false;
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