• When looking to see why some posts were missing from a category or archive search, I noticed that many images which ARE inserted into posts, do not show any details in the Media Library under the “Attached to” column. The posts are searchable by name, but do not appear in archives or categories.

    Most posts DO show up in Category/Archive searches, but only ones where the Media Library shows details in the “Attatched to” column.

    Any ideas?


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  • It sounds like some images were not uploaded whilst in an Edit Post/Page window.


    Thread Starter searchen


    That is correct… these were NOT uploaded while in an Edit Post/Page Window.

    They were uploaded using Media Library/Add new. This option streamlines batch uploading and doesn’t require us to create the posts in advance.

    It is then easy to insert the images in posts by selecting them from the Media Library. Of course, we can’t then make any galleries of any of these images, as they need to be uploaded from within a post/page (as your Link above clearly reminds us).

    Still perplexed!

    Did you read the article at the link above? It explains how the gallery works and why you’re having this problem.

    Thread Starter searchen


    Thanks, Esmi!

    However, this is not a Gallery issue, but an individual image issue.

    I am absolutely clear why Galleries cannot be be created via the Media Library, but it is standard procedure to insert single images from the Media Library into Posts, and that these are then normally visible in category pages.

    My problem is that the individual posts are only to be viewed by search (as seemingly normal posts), but do not display in category or archive pages.

    Any ideas?

    Thread Starter searchen



    this seems to be a different issue.
    This is not about inserting a Gallery, but about inserting individual images from the Media Library into posts.

    this is my sequence:
    1) Upload, caption etc. a bunch of images to the Media Library. Save all changes.
    2) Create new post, insert image from Media Library. (Not trying to insert Gallery, as this is not possible.) Title, add category, tags etc. Publish.
    3) the post is now viewable, and can be searched by title or keyword.
    4) However, when doing a Category call, the image does not display the thumbnail. This also applies to an Archive search.
    5) This possibly is a thumbnail issue, since my revised archive.php only now displays thumbnails.
    6) However, the anomaly is visible when going back to the Media Library: although the image has been successfully inserted into a post, there is no displayed connection to that post in the “Attached to” column.

    I hope this is clearer. Any ideas?



    1. added a image to the ‘Media Library’
    2. go back to ‘Post’ > ‘Edit’
    3. click on ‘Edit’ on the post that you want to attach the image to
    4. at ‘Upload/Insert’, click on ‘Add an Image’ icon
    5. click on ‘Media Library’ tab
    6. locate the image that you want to attach, click on ‘show’ button next to it
    7. click on ‘Insert into Post’ button
    8. <img … /> code would be automatically added into the post, you can remove that portion and the image would still be attached to the post
    9. you don’t have to click on ‘Update Post’ button, if you don’t need the <img … /> automated code

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