• grats on the new media uploader, I really like it, but seems best to add 10 maybe 20 images at a time which for most should be fine, but me.. I have to upload nearly 300 images.

    Wouldn’t it be neat if I could use an FTP client to upload the images, possibly with a directory structure to the appropriate directory, then click a “Discover” button on the media add page that triggers a scan for images not already in the database. When/if it finds one, you get a page, displaying the image and a form to fill in the details, or the option to delete the image. On each valid form submit, do the data insert of course and trigger the scan again.. rinse repeat.

    If this sort of functionality already exists from a plugin or something kindly let me know. If it doesn’t and someone would like to start writing it, I am a PHP coder, perhaps I could help but I have yet to plunge into making WP add-ons, and I prefer procedural code, but hey gotta do what ya gotta do.

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  • by default, the media uploader only creates 3 new images as specified in Settings -> Media: thumbnail, medium and large sizes. Any additonal image copies are created via your theme’s add_image_size.

    Thread Starter Dewed


    huh ? Perhaps I’m misreading you or you are misreading me.

    My post is a feature request.. not a request for an explanation of how the media uploader currently works. I understand it creates thumbs, and mid sized images from the ones you upload with it. I’m not talking about that.. uh at all.

    What I’m talking about is a more time efficient way to add hundreds of UNIQUE FULL SIZE images via FTP.

    After I upload a bunch of images (WITH FTP not the media uploader), From WP admin, I click “Discover media” A fairly simple PHP function could scan the preset directories, check the DB for an entry for each file, if there is no entry for that file, that means a new image has been discovered so show the image and a form to fill in the details, and an option to delete the image. If the details supplied are valid do the database entry and generate the thumbs and mid size image, then scan again for more new images, continuing the process until there are no “unknown” images left to find.

    You initially said:

    grats on the new media uploader, I really like it, but seems best to add 10 maybe 20 images at a time

    And I was just clarifying that WordPress creates a max of 3 additional images – not 10 or 20. Remember, these topics will be read by people who do not understand how the Media Uploader works.

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