• I am using wsftp to upload my files to the server. I run into this problem case of letters. I accidently named one files with “image.JPG” and “image.jpg” is already on the server. I was able to upload that file to server. I thought it will not allow creating duplicate file name. So the server is case sensitive, that mean “image.jpg =/ image.JPG.
    So on the browser address bar I have to type either one of the name with the right case to get the image to show up.

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  • so what’s the question? just stay with all-lowercase

    files on the web server are case-sensitive. sometimes i have the problem where the case changes for some crazy reason, though, so watch out for that.

    This is a server config issue which your hosting company can address.

    Linux/Unix/FreeBSD based servers are indeed case sensitive while Windows based servers are generally not, unless configured to be so.

    If you intended to only have a single file, you can just rename the file and be all set.


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