• bluey80


    When I use the maximum age features of miniloops, it affects other plugins. Specifically, I’m using Category Posts Widget and its queries get filtered by the maximage age filter in miniloops. Since Category Posts Widget is just using WP_Query() I think this is a general problem to lots of plugins using WP_Query().

    Since WP 3.7, you can do a date filter in WP_Query, so I changed the code in miniloops to use that instead of doing a filter that apparanetly isn’t getting deactivated. Here’s my patch that has same functionality but doesn’t break other plugins

    --- helpers.php-orig.php        2014-03-06 13:23:37.000000000 -0700
    +++ helpers.php 2014-03-06 14:03:47.000000000 -0700
    @@ -147,31 +147,25 @@
                    $query['meta_key'] = $order_meta_key;
    -       $query = apply_filters( 'miniloops_query', $query );
            if ( $maximum_age != 0 ) {
    -               global $mini_loops_minimum_date;
    -               $mini_loops_minimum_date = date( 'Y-m-d', time() - ( $maximum_age * 24 * 60 * 60 ) );
    -               $maximum_age_func = create_function('$filter','global $mini_loops_minimum_date; $filter .= " AND post_date >= \'' . $mini_loops_minimum_date .'\'"; return $filter;');
    -               add_filter( 'posts_where', $maximum_age_func );
    +               $query['date_query'] = array(
    +                                       array('after' => $maximum_age.' day ago',
    +                                       ),
    +                               );
           //for testing
           //return '<pre>'. print_r( $query, true ) .'</pre>';
            do_action( 'before_the_miniloop', $query, $args );
           //return '<pre>'. print_r( $query, true ) .'</pre>';
            //perform the query
            $miniloop = new WP_Query( $query );
            if ( $reverse_order ) $miniloop->posts = array_reverse( $miniloop->posts );
            if ( $shuffle_order ) shuffle( $miniloop->posts );
    -       if ( $maximum_age != 0 ) {
    -               remove_filter( 'posts_where', 'filter_maximum_age' );
    -       }
            //for testing
           // return '<pre>'. print_r( $miniloop, true ) .'</pre>';
            //begin building the list
            $postlist = '';

    Full disclosure, I submitted the code that added the max age functionality to miniloops that is causing the problem. Oops.


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