• Resolved seekers_paradox


    Hey, can you confirm if the database size of the wp simple history plugin would contribute to exceeding the max_questions limit on server level?

    Our hosting has max_questions of around 7 lakhs per hour and our devs say because of the huge database size the site is facing resource issues. Is that true?

    my understanding is that size of the database table has nothing to do with the issue described as it would totally depend on how many queries has been executed during that time.

    If you can let us know how this plugin exactly works when someone make changes and if the older database we have in server would contribute to resource issues.

    thanks! ??

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  • Plugin Author eskapism


    Hi! I had never heard about max_questions before. Perhaps it is related to this: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.4/en/user-resources.html

    Anyway, my understanding is that your server has some kind of limit for the number of queries you can do, per hour. As I understand it the size of the tables should not affect that limit. Only the number of queries performed would affect it.

    Simple History does write to the db when posts are created, plugins installed, etc. And it does read from the db when viewing the log. If you have the log opened in a browser tab it will also check for new events every 10 seconds (or similar, can’t remember the exact interval) and that will increase the number of queries performed.

    Not sure if this answers your questions. Let me know if you need anything else!

    Thread Starter seekers_paradox


    Yeah, kind of but thanks!

    So anytime we create a post etc, these details will be stored in the wp_simplehistory table. Now these data will be only used when we specifically check any old logs correct?

    To confirm, It’s these old data logs stored in the table would never be executed unless we are checking the logs in simple history dashboard?

    Plugin Author eskapism


    Mainly when accessing the log, the tables are read. But they can be read by other software too (database managers, backup software, and so on).

    Simple History also removes old entries in an interval (default 60 days but this can be modified) and there is a RSS feed that admins may subscribe to and in that case the table is read when the feed is accessed.

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