Hi @tomektomek21
I hope you’re well today!
Are you referring to the “Resize my full size images” setting in “Smush -> Dashboard -> Bulk Smush” configuration?
This changes the default 2560 pixels “full size image size” but there’s no way for “exceptions”. You can disable it but even then with default WordPress setup your “full size” images will still be max of 2560 pixels each side.
Note though that if you upload an image that’s bigger than either 2560 pixels (if this option is disabled) or the value set in “resize my full size images” those “big originals” will still be stored on server – they do get uploaded to the site anyway so you can use them if you add image by “URL” rather than by selecting it from media library.
For example, if you upload 5000×5000 pixels image it will get cropped to 2560×2560 pixels (or whatever more than 2560 pixels you have set in Smush settings) and when you add it as “Full size” image through Gutenberg “image” module, the image with “-scaled” suffix appended to the file name will be added. But media library – when you edit image – will also show you a direct URL to the original not-scaled image so you can use that URL with “image” block “Insert from URL” option.
It will then use that original non-scaled/not-cropped image.
Best regards,