• I installed the Matatag template on my page (www.stanceiseverything.com) and everything is great except the paging functionality.

    If you scroll do the bottom you will notice that there is a next button.

    When you click the next button you end up here https://www.stanceiseverything.com/page/2/

    which is just the homepage re loaded and now the button also says “previous” would anyone be able to help me in making this function correct?

    The live demo of this theme is only one page unfortunately so it is of no help either.


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  • Thread Starter randomdave


    I managed to get the pages to work sort of by commenting out:

    $latest = get_option(‘matatag_latestnews_slug’);
    $latcat = ($latest == ”) ? 1 : get_category_by_slug($latest);
    query_posts(‘cat=’ . $latcat->term_id);

    However the feature player is still showing on the archive pages which is not ideal

    Thread Starter randomdave


    Aha. Needed to set up an if statement for the featured player.

    <?php if((is_home()) && ($paged <= "1")) :?>
      <div class="featured">
    		<?php include (ABSPATH . '/wp-content/plugins/content-gallery/gallery.php'); ?>
    <?php endif; ?>
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