• aarondelay


    Ok, I’ve already beat my hosting company up and they don’t have a clue. Here’s the orignial ticket I opened up with them. The test blog is now located at aarondelay.com/reaction

    I have now installed a fresh clean install with new database and everything. It works perfectly until I do a post. Then it slows down. You can see the background below. Let me know if you have any questions…

    [email protected]
    Posted On: Jan 23 2007 09:09 AM
    Hey Guys,

    I installed WordPress 2.1 (the final release) on a test blog and I’m having the
    same massive lag issues I had with the RC2. Can you advise if you guys are
    compatible to 2.1? Is there something I need to change on my side? Or is it
    something else?

    Let me know. I don’t wanna upgrade my main blog again and have it break


    Aaron DeLay

    Josh Sisk
    Posted On: Jan 23 2007 03:59 PM

    I’ll check this out later tonight (unless someone else gets to it first).


    –logjamming.com ; $5 hosting!
    [email protected]
    Posted On: Jan 23 2007 04:55 PM
    Cool cool. I’m able to navigate around the wpadmin portion. at the bottom of the pages it says, “loaded in 180.88 seconds) or something. Very unwordpress like. I’ll be online on AOL and stuff later too. Thanks bunches!
    [email protected]
    Posted On: Jan 24 2007 12:34 PM
    Any updates?
    Patrick Vogel
    Posted On: Jan 25 2007 01:28 AM

    Right now i don’t see anything there, but my internet cnnection here is real slow too so i will try to check it out in the morning.

    –logjamming.com ; $5 hosting!
    [email protected]
    Posted On: Jan 25 2007 09:57 AM
    That’s weird. The blog was there a few days ago under aarondelay.com/test

    It was 2.1 WordPress and all. I have no clue what in the world is going on. All I know is that the 2.1 upgrade made each click on the webpage and the admin panel load at least three monutes or more.

    Nobody else appears to have this issue. Am I just cursed?
    Josh Sisk
    Posted On: Jan 28 2007 06:01 PM
    I think you are! Is this still happening? If so, let’s try and do some testing this week.


    –logjamming.com ; $5 hosting!
    [email protected]
    Posted On: Jan 29 2007 11:22 AM
    It’s still happening.

    The question is still out there about 2.1 Compat. I installed the wordpress version in plesk. It worked fine. I upgraded to 2.07. It still worked fine and perfect. I then upgraded to 2.1. And it worked fine for maybe ten minutes. Then the massive lag and slowdown happened.

    I had originally installed it on my main blog (aarondelay.com/blog) but it was taking three minutes plus to load so I downgraded. I then got smart and setup a testing ground and did the whole upgrade thing and uploaded the posts from the main blog to fill up the space.

    And it’s still slow as all get out. Patrick said (on this ticket) he couldn’t see anything there. I checked my FTP and I show the wordpress install is there. I just loaded it and it took three minutes to get it up, but it is still there.

    And still taking three minutes to load. I’m not one to complain but if I’m the idiot and I need to learn how to program and what have you to make this work I’ll do what I can.

    But it seems like if 2.07 works fine on Logjamming’s server…2.1 should do the same. Especially after I did a clean install on aarondelay.com/test that is free of any custom things and plugins that are present on aarondelay.com/blog.

    The answers I’m looking for are this:

    1: Why is the 2.1 install taking forever to load on aarondelay.com/test and the 2.07 install on aarondelay.com/blog working perfect? Why has no one else reported this type of issue?

    2: What is it going to take to fix it? Is it going to take me learning programming? Or can I pay you guys to make it work?

    Thanks again for all your help. I can’t seem to shake this curse that’s got me a thorn in your side. Hopefully we can find some answers!

    Much love from your cursed customer,

    Josh Sisk
    Posted On: Jan 29 2007 11:35 AM
    If it worked for ten minutes, it is compatible. I’m gonna have to go in and look at your set up in more detail… One theing you can try is to turn off all plug ins and add ons, and anything that pings any other servers.

    –logjamming.com ; $5 hosting!
    [email protected]
    Posted On: Jan 29 2007 11:54 AM
    That’s the thing. The install on aarondelay.com/test is a clean install with no addons and no plugins.
    [email protected]
    Posted On: Jan 30 2007 06:47 PM

    *insert foul language here*

    So I added a clean install from scratch to aarondelay/reaction

    And it was working fine until I made a post.

    And then we’re back to this:

    2.1 — 189.69 seconds

    *bangs head on wall*

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  • I have the exact same problem.
    I use 2.0.7 and plan to upgrade to 2.1.2, So i clean install 2.1.2 on different location on my website. After post a content to it , it went slow down , consume about 40sec to load each page (both admin side and blog side).

    Anyone have solution to solve this problem?

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