• pk385


    Updated to 4.0.0 today, page load times went from 1-2 seconds to 9-10 seconds.

    There’s something seriously broken in the google fonts integration with the new update.

    Just look at the comparison from 4.0.0 to 3.6.1:

    This happens when google fonts are enabled, regardless of any other options.

    I didn’t get a screenshot of it and won’t switch back to 4.0.0 but all the HTTP calls are for google fonts trying to load on the server side.

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  • Shahin


    Hello everyone,


    Thank you for reaching out,

    We hope you didn’t think we ignored you, we were working on the fixes based on your feedback, and we appreciate every detail you shared with us.

    We would kindly like to ask you to, if possible, to test the patched versions on the staging site and let us know if you’re still experiencing problems:

    OceanWP 4.0.1 dev version: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iJ3PzV1j1hJ1vr7SyUOaD4Rw9w2OJ5u4/view?usp=sharing

    Ocean Extra 2.4.1 dev version:

    Kindly note that some of the reported issues we were not able to replicate on our end, nor on all websites, which is the main reason we need your help.

    The changes include:
    OceanWP 4.0.1 dev:

    Fixed: Customizer: Enable Google Fonts option doesn't inherit old settings.
    Fixed: Customizer: Controls: Typography: typography panel displays incorrect font weights on second load.
    Fixed: Customizer: Controls: Typography: typography panel doesn't display font subset on second load.
    Fixed: Function: Enqueue Google Fonts: incorrect conditional check for enqueueing.
    Fixed: WooCommerce: Variable Products: parent product added to cart instead of product variation.
    Fixed: Page Title: Page Title heading and subheading colors reset after update.

    Ocean Extra 2.4.1 dev:
    Fixed: OceanWP Metabox Settings: Logo: Customizer logo doesn't get overridden on individual level (main Customizer logo always displayed).

    For everyone experiencing problems with Google Fonts or hosting Google Fonts locally:
    Update OceanWP and Ocean Extra dev versions
    Check if Google Fonts and Host Google Fonts options are enabled. You can also disable / enable and publish changes again just in case: https://docs.oceanwp.org/article/896-customizer-typography#Google-Font-Settings-EPxsL

    If hosting Google Fonts locally, ensure to regenerate CSS via OceanWP Panel > Admin Settings > Regenerate Local Google CSS File: https://docs.oceanwp.org/article/833-admin-settings-oceanwp-panel

    Clear cache on all levels.

    Kindly note that we are still conducting tests on our end, and this is just the first draft of the patched versions. It’s not over until it’s over.

    On a side note, this was the biggest update we did since upgrading to Vanilla JS. We did our best to inform everyone about the upgrade (changes, tests, backups, etc) on all available channels (articles on our main website, newsletters, Facebook group and pages). Though we always advise precaution and test of updates (unrelated to our releases), we always emphasize such big changes. In your opinion, is there anything additional we would need to do so that the information reaches everyone in a timely manner so that you know what to expected from updates and when? We appreciate your thoughts on this.

    Thank you for helping us make OceanWP better for everyone. Your feedback is invaluable.

    @cpdesign123 we thank you and everybody else here for your continued support and patience. Kindly note that we take all updates seriously, but mistakes can happen, especially updates involving changes on a high level, but mistakes do happen. Likewise, we take issues with your websites potentially caused by our products seriously, even if it happens to some users only, and we hope your website will function even better in the future for many more years to come.

    Please let me know if you have any questions about the above steps.

    Hope it helps.
    Best Regards



    Hello, I have the same issue on 7 of my websites. (It’s the last time I use auto-update for sure ><).
    I had done your recommendation with OceanWP 4.0.1 dev + Ocean Extra 2.4.1 dev + hosting Google Fonts locally + Clear cache = Nope it’s very very slow.
    At first I’m wondering if it’s because my Child theme, I have done a test without (Theme only). And it’s the same.
    I will hope for future updates FIX meanwhile I will use my websites without google fonts.





    This method you proposed is actually breaking the entire functionality and doesn’t fix anything :slightly_smiling_face:
    I would recommend everyone to skip this method of code alteration and instead either rollback to older versions or update to the next version.
    The issue you reported was investigated properly because one of our premium clients was able to replicate it, thus offered a staging website for investigation and this is what I can now report to you in full:
    API CALLS: fixed. Caused by calling the Google Fonts from a json file instead of the PHP function like we used before. We switched back to the PHP function. This was not the cause of generating page delay.
    Font weights: in 4.0.0 we introduced dynamic font weights, but we removed that from 4.0.1. simply because users are used to some things being old-school. This was not the cause of the delay.
    Google Fonts functionality enabled / disabled: new option not inheriting old function. Fixed, also not cause for the delay.
    Local Google Fonts functionality: local fonts not output in the <head> – cause of the delay.
    Kindly note that these issues were not present during our tests and we were not able to replicate them on our own. Likewise, issues not present on all websites running the latest versions even if using the some functionality.
    However, thanks to the access we had to a website with replicated problems, we were able to address this properly.
    We still recommend checking the latest changes on a staging / test website before updating the production site.
    If you notice anything, we appreciate your feedback as always as it helps us resolve things quickly and make OceanWP better for everyone.


    I am happy to report that all issues mentioned in this thread and related comments have been addressed with the latest OceanWP 4.0.1 and Ocean Extra 2.4.1 version.
    We still recommend checking everything on staging sites before updating your live websites.

    Thank you for your support, patience and feedback.
    It has helped us catch issues fast and address them in a timely manner.

    You guys are the best
    Warm Regards

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