Yah this a fairly simple process. CSV is probably the easiest way to do it if you are creating the file yourself. If you are exporting the reviews from somewhere else, there may be better options. However, if you choose to go with a CSV file, I just recommend that you take a look at the structure of the wp_richreviews table to make sure you get the formatting correct, or you run the risk of running into errors in the plugin due to improperly set data values. If you know SQL you can simply look at the rich-reviews-db.php
in the plugin files at /lib/rich-reviews-db.php
, or you can simply look at the table itself in your SQL management application.
Then you’ll just import directly to the table in your SQL application being sure to set the correct delimiters. Depending on whether you’ve done this before, this may be more than enough information, or you may have many more questions. Feel free to let me know if this is the case and I can help you out.
Charlie Maxwell