• Resolved nfreakct


    I’m currently using WordPress 2.6 as a typical blog that has a fair number of comments on it. When I try to mass edit comments (for deletion, marking as spam, or approval) it selects all the comments currently visible which is 20 comments per page. But it also seems to select the next 5 comments so instead of editing 20 comments it edits 25 comments instead which can cause some issues. Is anyone else having this issue and if so any ideas how I can fix this?

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  • Thread Starter nfreakct


    Alright, I figured this out on my own. In my version of wp-admin/edit-comments.php The following line is inserted:

    list($_comments, $total) = _wp_get_comment_list( $comment_status, $search_dirty, $start, $comments_per_page ); // Grab a few extra

    Since the variable $comments_per_page is set to default at 20, this means that 25 comments are grabbed. The extra 5 comments are sliced off into an array called $extra_comments which are then outputted on the page, but hidden from view. So if you click every comment this isn’t a problem since those extra comments are never used, but when mass edit happens they are checked inadvertently.

    It looks like this was already fixed just a day ago. But posting so other people can learn about this.


    Help. I am having similar bug (or bugs, or even a hack ?) corrupting valid comments when I am moderating spam comment in the edit comments page. I am using Akismet … but all indications so far is that this is a WP problem. Hard to get exact repeatability, but this recurs now many times. I’m Version 2.7.2

    WHEN I “mark as spam” one or more spam comments the most recent valid comment after the last one marked as spam is also deleted. (And the reported number of comments pending is not always in synch with the list of pending comments – often one more reported than listed.)

    AND One one or more comment displays corruptly with a “Cancel” button embedded where the approv / delete / spam links normally appear. This only ever happens with Russian Cyrillic spam, and I previously something about the content of the spam comment was hacking / corrupting the behaviour ?!?!?

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