Gibt es eine M?glichkeit Titel und Beschreibung im masonry auszublenden und ansonsonsten anzuzeigen?
Is there a way to hide title and description in masonry and otherwise show it?
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Madonry thumbnails themself show nothing. Do you mean the lightbox display when you click on a masonry thumbnail?
You canb only distinguish between where the link comes from, so, if from a thumbnail, or if from a slide or from the potd widget, a single image etc. See Table II-G
the headlines
Do you mean the breadcrumb?Do you want:
Renaturierter Baggersee Das Naturschutzgebiet Gehspitzweiher - ein renaturierter Baggersee - umfasst eine Fl?che von ca. 25 Hektar. Diese befindet sich im Eigentum der Stadt Frankfurt. In der ehemaligen Abbaugrube wurden zun?chst Lehmablagerungen, sp?ter Sand und Kies abgebaut. Weiterlesen ...
to be removed from the page you link to only?
as set in Table II-D15 and 16?
This can be suppressed with inline settings:
[wppa_set name="albname_on_thumbarea" value="none"] [wppa_set name="albdesc_on_thumbarea" value="none"] [wppa ... the shortcode that makes the masonry] [wppa_set]
See for details
(PS Use the short shortcode form, i.e. without [/…])-
This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by
Jacob N. Breetvelt. Reason: Added inline stuff
This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by
Jacob N. Breetvelt.
I mean Table II D 15 and 16 separate settings for album and Masrony
You are still confusing me.
Masonry is a method to display thumbnails. Type=”album” is the same as type=”thumbnails” but it also displays covers of possible sub-albums.As far as i understand you at the moment: you want two different ways to display thumbnails,
one: masonry style without album name and description on the thumbnail area.
two: default style with album name and description on the thumbnail area.Assuming you have Table II-D15 and 16 set, you can overrule these settings as explained above by using the [wppa_set name=”…” value=”…”] shortcodes.
Note you need to enable this feature in Table IX-A7 and Table IX-A8
Excuse me. I didn’t want to confuse.
That’s right. ‘masonry style without album name and description on the thumbnail area’. I use the following shortcode:
[wppa_set name \u003d ‘wppa_thumbtype’ value \u003d ‘masonry-h’] [/ wppa_set] [wppa_set name \u003d ‘wppa_tn_margin’ value \u003d ‘3’] [/ wppa_set] [wppa_set name \u003d ‘wppa_thumbsize’ value \u003d ‘400’] [ / wppa_set] [wppa type \u003d ‘album’ album \u003d ‘last’] [wppa_set] Reset our changes [/ wppa_set]I tried to turn off the album name and description. But I have too little knowledge. Could you please help me with the code?
Another topic: Table X No. 1. In my opinion it should read: 2 # 090 not 1 # 090.
In the usual WPPA + replaces my previous Piwigo. I like WPPA # much better.
Thank youEntschuldigung. Ich wollte Sie nicht durcheinanderbringen.
Es ist richtig. “masonry style without album name and description on the thumbnail area”. Ich nutze folgenden shortcode:
[wppa_set name=”wppa_thumbtype” value=”masonry-h”][/wppa_set][wppa_set name=”wppa_tn_margin” value=”3″][/wppa_set][wppa_set name=”wppa_thumbsize” value=”400″][/wppa_set][wppa type=”album” album=”last”][wppa_set]Reset our changes[/wppa_set]
Ich habe versucht, den Albumnamen und die Beschreibung auszuschalten. Ich habe aber zu wenig Kenntnis. K?nnten Sie mir beim Code bitte helfen?Ein anderes Thema: Tabelle X Nr. 1. Meines Erachtens muss es heissen: 2#090 nicht 1#090.
Im übtigen ersetzt WPPA+ mein bisheriges Piwigo. WPPA# gef?llt mir wesentlich besser.
DankeReplace all shortcodes above by:
[wppa_set name="wppa_thumbtype" value="masonry-h"] [wppa_set name="wppa_tn_margin" value="3"] [wppa_set name="wppa_thumbsize" value="400"] [wppa_set name="albname_on_thumbarea" value="none"] [wppa_set name="albdesc_on_thumbarea" value="none"] [wppa type="album" album="#last"] [wppa_set]
Do NOT copy-paste it from the email, but from this forum!!!!!
Thank you very much!
The album description is now hidden, but the album name is not. Two error messages now appear above the widget (online):
[WPPA+ dbg msg: albname_on_thumbarea is not a runtime value.]
[WPPA+ dbg msg: albdesc_on_thumbarea is not a runtime value.]Siehe auch: Error
Table IX-A8: Runtime modifyable settings
Either add,albname_on_thumbarea,albdesc_on_thumbarea
or replace everything byall
The setting is ‘all’
Sorry, my fault, should be:
[wppa_set name="wppa_thumbtype" value="masonry-h"] [wppa_set name="wppa_tn_margin" value="3"] [wppa_set name="wppa_thumbsize" value="400"] [wppa_set name="wppa_albname_on_thumbarea" value="none"] [wppa_set name="wppa_albdesc_on_thumbarea" value="none"] [wppa type="album" album="#last"] [wppa_set]
All should start with wppa_
Everything OK. Thank you for the fast reaction.
This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by
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