Hi @lukasklimt – There’s not much I can show you on your own site, but you’re free to try a demo on xhynk.com/content-mask!
If you sign in to https://xhynk.com/content-mask/wp-admin using “demo” as the username and “demo” as the password, you can then add a mask to test it out.
Click on “Content Mask” in the left hand menu. In the blue box at the top of the page is a section to create a new mask.
First, Choose a masking method (either Download, or iFrame, both explained in detail here: xhynk.com/content-mask/#details).
Second, give your page a name, this is because it will create a post or page with that name (and related slug). If you name it “Lukasklimt Test”, it will make a page at /lukasklimt-test
Third, paste in the URL you want to be masked on this new page. You can use https://example.com if you want.
Fourth, choose a post type – usually Post or Page is good. For now, choose Page. Now click the Plus icon on the right and it will create the mask.
Now, you should have a page at https://xhynk.com/content-mask/lukasklimt-test, that instead of showing the page/theme from this site, will show the content of https://example.com instead.
It’s imperative you have a license and or are otherwise allowed to use the content you’re trying to mask. Also note some web hosts/servers don’t allow themselves to use the download or iframe method, and you’ll need to talk with their teams to whitelist your server if you’re having issues.
Hope this helps!
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