Thanks for the kind words!
The Footer Scripts area is more so for adding scripts like chat widgets or other marketing scripts than adding links or other HTML. That said, you absolutely could add some elements there.
Unfortunately, due to how Iframes (especially full-page iframes) work, you can’t really add anything to the bottom of the content of the iframe, it would be added underneath the iframe and act kind of as a “floating footer”. You can see in this example image here:
It would also require some knowledge of HTML (or PHP) and CSS to get to that point. Unfortunately as it’s a free plugin and “adding elements” kind of goes beyond of the scope of the intention of it, there’s no real documentation for it.
If you’re familiar with HTML and CSS, you can add some HTML to the Footer Scripts section:
<nav id="small-text-links">
<a href="">Page A</a>
<a href="">Page B</a>
And then in the Header Scripts you could add some CSS:
nav#small-text-links {
position: fixed;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
background: #b4b6b9;
padding: 6px;
text-align: center;
z-index: 10000000;
That would give you a result similar to this:
If you’re familiar with PHP, there is a hook content_mask_iframe_footer
that you can use as well.
I hope that helps!