Hi, sorry here’s the edited section of class.mashsharer.php I got the error on. With more testing, I found it’s the Twitter button that’s causing the problem which was generated from here:
if ($f)
$return = '
<div style="line-height:10px;"> </div>
<div class="mashsharer-box">
<div class="mashsharer-count"><font style="padding: ' . $padding . 'px ' . $padding . 'px ' . $padding . 'px ' . $padding . 'px; font-size: ' . $fontsize . 'px; font-weight:' . $fontweight . '; font-family: ' . $fontfamily . '; color: ' . $fontcolor . '; background-color: ' . $bgcolor . '; border: ' . $bordercolor . ' ' . $bordertype . ' ' . $borderwidth . 'px">' . $totalshares . '</font>
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. $addons .
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