Hi, I’ve been using MarsEdit though it’s betas, and even though there a few issues, it’s looking like being a really nice piece of software. The only issue I have right now is that I live here in Tokyo and my hosting site is in the Eastern US, so when I post, the timestamp is in the US, whereas obviously if I post from the (also excellent) WP web interface, the time is fine. I posted this issue to the Marsedit bug listing and the software’s author as ever has replied with a good comment (good developer to his users IMHO):
“I believe it’s a WordPress bug. (Other systems don’t have the same
MarsEdit doesn’t send a time to the weblog software: it depends on the
software to know what to do. So what’s likely happening is that WP
1.2.1’s external-post code isn’t dealing with time zones the way it
does when you post via a browser.
I may have heard that this has been fixed in the latest 1.3 development
versions, but I’m not positive.”
Does anyone have any news from 1.3 or clarification? The above explanation seems plausable, if unfortunate, to me.