• Despite an anti-spam plug-in, a lot of comment spam is getting through to my blog. I currently have 75 comments pending, all of them spam. Is there some way of sending them all to the spam folder in one action, rather than having to mark each one separately as spam?

    Thank you.

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  • yes, you can do a list or as in your case send everything on the page to trash in one go

    to do a list – in your comments list (dashboard>comments), there are tick buttons to the left of each comment that you can just run down and select. Then at both the top and bottom of the page there are boxes that say “bulk actions” click this and select the action you want to carry out

    To do all comments on the current page, you’ll see there is also a tick box next to author at the top of the page, tick this and you’ll see that you have selected all on that page. The again use bulk actions to delete them all in one go

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