maps Problem with DSGVO Law
Because the new DSGVO law in europe, we have to use a plugin like the
dsgvo all in one pro -> have to use thise codes in >design >customizer >contact page panel >map setting
Google Maps per Shortcode einbinden (JS API mit API Key):
(example)[dsgvo_gmaps latitude=”XX.XXXXXX” longitude=”XX.XXXXXX” zoom=”10″ imageurl=”” infowindow=”true” title=”Der Titel” text=”Der Text” maptype=”roadmap”]
Google Maps per Shortcode einbinden (Embed API ohne API Key):
(example)[dsgvo_gmaps adress=”wien” zoom=”10″ maptype=”roadmap”]
(i tryed all and modified it by my customseruseneeds) but no one is funcionally and i get a white placeholder on this site
if i go back to >design >customizer >contact page panel >map setting
it shows me everytime:
https://[dsgvo_gmaps%20latitude=XX.XXXXXX%20longitude=XX.XXXXXX%20zoom=10%20imageurl=%20infowindow=true%20title=Der%20Titel%20text=Der%20Text%20maptype=roadmap]XX.XXXXXX XX.XXXXXX is here only marked as a placerholder (i changed it in original datas)
what make i wrong? or, how can i fix this?
it works, but so its not allowed. ??
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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