Hi @bonaldi,
A happy 2020 to you to ??
This is certainly possible. I have created a branche with an integration for it:
We will ship it with the next release.
Essentially, it consists of the following additional code:
Block the script:
add_filter('cmplz_known_script_tags', 'cmplz_mappress_script');
function cmplz_mappress_script($tags){
$tags[] = 'mappress-google-maps-for-wordpress/js/mappress';
return $tags;
Add a placeholder:
function cmplz_mappress_placeholder($tags){
$tags['google-maps'] = 'mapp-canvas';
return $tags;
add_filter('cmplz_placeholder_markers', 'cmplz_mappress_placeholder');
Make sure the placeholder gets the correct height:
add_action('wp_footer', 'cmplz_mapppress_css');
function cmplz_mapppress_css(){
$obj = new Mappress_Map();
.mapp-main .cmplz-placeholder-element {height:<?php echo $obj->height()?>;}