• I want to create a custom user registration form using “User Registration Using Contact Form 7” plugin. I have been able to successfully create a form with Contact form 7 and register a new user via your plugin.

    However I have one issue that I want to resolve. I don’t know how to map the First name and Last name fields so that this information is also stored inside newly created user profile. I have installed “Advanced Custom Fields” plugin as requested. It’s a plugin from WP Engine, version 6.3.4, I think that should be the right one.

    It’s my first time using ACF plugin. This is how I created the fields in there:

    These are the fields inside my CF7 form:

    But there is still no options to map these fields inside “User Registration Using Contact Form 7” plugin.

    Can you please tell me what am I doing wrong and how can I map these two fields?

    Thank you for your support!

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  • Plugin Author ZealousWeb


    Hello @volvej,

    Thank you for reaching out to me. Could you please review the location rules for selecting user roles? I’ve attached an image for your reference.

    If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to ask. I am here to assist you.

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter volvej



    I had location rules set to default, which was a Post. Now I have changed the location rules to Page is equal to [Page name of the page with CF7 registration form].

    But there is no changes in the “User Registration Using Contact Form 7” plugin settings.

    I don’t understand, how could the settings from “User Registration Using Contact Form 7” plugin be aware of the Rules set inside ACF plugin? How does this connection works?

    Plugin Author ZealousWeb


    Hello @volvej,

    Currently, the ACF only works when selecting the following options:

    1. Current user
    2. Current user role
    3. User form
    4. User role

    Any other selections do not work properly. The issue seems to be related to user data being inserted during registration.

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter volvej



    I have set ACF to “Current user”. Now it shows the additional fields in the “User Registration Using Contact Form 7” plugin settings. But I’m not sure if that field mapping will also work on my Registration page for visitors?

    Then there is one more thing.
    your-fname and your-lname are field names inside my registration form created with CF7.
    How do I map these fields to First Name and Last Name field inside a user profile?

    This is my current setting inside ACF plugin. The field type inside my CF7 registration form is Text and your-fname is the field name. But how does this get linked to the First name value inside a user profile? I don’t see any way to make this connection?

    I think that the correct way to do that would be to totally avoid the ACF plugin and map First Name and Last Name fields inside your plugin. You already have this done for User Role, Email and Username. Why wouldn’t you add this for the First Name and the Last Name? It’s a nonsense and a really bad practice to connect a plugin to another plugin to get some basic data which is already a standard field inside WordPress user profile.

    How can we make this work? I assume I’m not the only one who wants to save First Name and Last Name into the user profile from the registration form. That should be basic stuff.

    Best Regards,

    Plugin Author ZealousWeb


    Hello @volvej ,

    It is most effective for user role forms but is not displaying on pages. Please see the attached image for reference.

    Currently, the plugin users are unable to enter their first and last names; only the last section is being displayed. Please attachement image.

    “The ACF field displays the last section. Please see the attached image above for reference.”

    In the next version, I will be developing a feature to include fields for first and last names for users.

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter volvej


    Hello ZealousWeb,

    Thank you for your explanation. In short, currently is not possible to map First name and Last name fields from the custom registration page to the corresponding stock WordPress profile fields. That’s what I wanted to know.

    Best Regards,

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