Hi @coolicious
Thank you for sending the link through.
The Google Maps API should be loading via HTTPS as all of our other scripts are doing this without any issue.
Please try editing wp-google-maps/wpGoogleMaps.php and scroll down to line 1034 where you’ll find a line of code that looks like this:
wp_enqueue_script('wpgmza_api_call', '//maps.google'.$wpgmza_suffix.'/maps/api/js?'.$api_version_string.'key='.$wpgmza_api_key.'&language='.$wpgmza_locale, array(), null );
Please change it to this:
wp_enqueue_script('wpgmza_api_call', 'https://maps.google'.$wpgmza_suffix.'/maps/api/js?'.$api_version_string.'key='.$wpgmza_api_key.'&language='.$wpgmza_locale, array(), null );
Does this help at all?