• Resolved TLCJohn


    Hi there rainbowgeek

    You have a great plugin, thank you for the work you have done on it. I have the information on the page but I can’t get the map to show. I have tried to go onto your website to have a look at the instructions but the site will not load.

    Could you let me what I need to do to get the map to show.

    Thank you.

    Kind regards


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  • Same problem here, no map shown.
    I set the height to 600 and it just added 600 px of empty space.

    Plugin Author Benjamin Denis


    Yep, we are aware of this. Update in few days! Stay tuned.

    Thank you

    Plugin Author Benjamin Denis


    Bug fixed in WP Cloudy 3.1!

    Updated and enabled the map but the map is still not showing.

    Also there is another bug still present in this new version: many times the forecasts are all 0°C and only after reloading the page the temperatures are shown correctly.

    P.S. UI on mobile is not good, on 540px screen it becames very long with lots of empty spaces which really should be fixed because it’s too ugly to have it on the website. I hope you will fix it because the plugin looks promising and the 15 days forecast is a cool feature (actually 13 days because the last two are both 0°C with no forecast), thank you.

    Plugin Author Benjamin Denis


    Is the map still not working with WP Cloudy 3.2.1?

    Responsive design will be improve in next releases.

    “0” bug values will be fixed in WPC 3.3: it’s related to OpenWeatherMap (and I know it’s very annoying).

    Yes, the 14 and 15th day are also related to OWM (days aren’t present in xml feeds).

    Nope, map not working in 3.2.1.

    In this version I lost 1 more day so now is a 12 days forecast ??

    Check here: https://oi61.tinypic.com/8z1f2c.jpg

    Also I translated the plugin (po/mo) but it doesn’t work. Looks like the only way to translate is still to edit the php file.

    I hope for the best, good luck.

    Plugin Author Benjamin Denis


    About translation, what language do you have in WordPress administration? (General settings, last field of the page).

    I just make some tests by switching WP language from english to french and now my weather is totally translated in french.

    Make sure you PO/MO file is correctly named.

    It says map loading is fixed in the changelog, but the map is still blank on my website.

    Plugin Author Benjamin Denis


    @all: please update to WPCloudy 3.3, dozens of bugs had been fixed.

    Thank you for your patience!

    Thread Starter TLCJohn


    Hi there Rainbowgeek

    Thank you the work you have done on this plugin, it is the best weather plugins I have used and it really works well. 5 STARS

    Kind regards

    Plugin Author Benjamin Denis


    Thank you TLCJohn!

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