Sorry. I forgot to mention. I am using a mashup to enable the map to show on a Gravity Form
Map box and controls show, but not the map. Tried different themes and works ok. If you have any suggestions greatly appreciate it. But I do understand its a mashup, so probably not really an issue with the plugin.
Here is the code:
add_filter("gform_pre_render", "gravityforms_wpgeo_mashup");
function gravityforms_wpgeo_mashup($form) {
//REPLACE 1 with your actual form id
$my_geo_form = 2;
if($form["id"] !=$my_geo_form)
return $form;
// find IDs of latitude&longitude custom fields
foreach($form["fields"] as &$field){
if($field["postCustomFieldName"]=="_wp_geo_longitude") $field_lng = $field["id"];
if($field["postCustomFieldName"]=="_wp_geo_latitude") $field_lat = $field["id"];
// show map only if latitude&longitude custom fields exist
if($field_lng && $field_lat ) :
// load "WP Geo" plugin
require_once( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/wp-geo/wp-geo.php' );
global $wpgeo;
$wpgeo = new WPGeo();
$zoom = 2;
$map = $wpgeo->mapScriptsInit( 20, 0,$zoom, true, false );
$map .='
<input type="hidden" name="wpgeo_map_settings_zoom" id="wpgeo_map_settings_zoom" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="wpgeo_map_settings_type" id="wpgeo_map_settings_type" value="" />
<input type="hidden" name="wpgeo_map_settings_centre" id="wpgeo_map_settings_centre" value="" />
<input name="wp_geo_latitude" type="hidden" size="25" id="wp_geo_latitude" value="" />
<input name="wp_geo_longitude" type="hidden" size="25" id="wp_geo_longitude" value="" />
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {';
$map .='var my_geo_form= '.$my_geo_form.';';
$map .='var field_lng= '.$field_lng.';';
$map .='var field_lat= '.$field_lat.';';
$map .='
jQuery("#wp_geo_map").click(function(e) {
<div id="wp_geo_map" style="width:auto; height:400px"></div>';
// find ID of section with cssClass "wpgeo" and put the map into description
foreach($form["fields"] as &$field){
return $form;