• Resolved Alex T.


    Hello, the openstreetmap pulls up maps where the label are in the language of that country. For exmaple, Yazd, Iran, pulls up with Farsi script:

    Is there a way to make it pull up maps in English?

    • This topic was modified 12 months ago by Alex T..
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  • Plugin Author Step-Byte-Service GmbH



    OpenStreetMap defaults to the local language in each part of the world. Right now we don’t offer an option to change the language as the language used for the labels depends on what the map tile providers chose for their respective map styles. We have included a number of map providers that use english labels instead of the default languages. That includes some map styles from Stadia, Thunderforest, Mapbox, CartoDB and Maptiler.

    If you want to have english labels you will need to choose a different map style from one of these providers.

    Best regards,

    Thread Starter Alex T.


    Many thanks.

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