• Resolved Maartje_1992


    Hi there,

    I’m trying to adjust the infobubble of the map on my contactpage.
    I would like to have a featured image on the left, and the title and city on the right.

    I found the following code, but it doesn’t work (Also I think its only for mashups)

    function prefix_pgmm_item($itemContent) {
    	$itemContent = '';
    	$itemContent .= '<h2>';
    	$itemContent .= '	<a href="'. get_permalink() .'">';
    	$itemContent .= '		'. get_the_title();
    	$itemContent .= '	</a>';
    	$itemContent .= '</h2>';
    	$itemContent .= '<h3>Address</h3>';
    	$itemContent .= wpautop(get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_pronamic_google_maps_address', true));
    	$itemContent .= '<h3>Description</h3>';
    	$itemContent .= wpautop(get_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_pronamic_google_maps_description', true));
    	return $itemContent;
    add_filter('pronamic_google_maps_mashup_item', 'prefix_pgmm_item');

    Than I found this code in an other topic on the supportforum:

    * Filter snippet
    function prefix_pronamic_google_maps_item_description( $description ) {
    global $post;
    $description = get_the_title().'<BR>'.get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_pronamic_google_maps_address', true );
    return $description;

    This didn’t work when I pasted it in functions.php neighter just above the map code on contact.

    Do you have any idea how I can get this working?

    Thanks in advance!


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  • Hello Maartje_1992.

    It doesn’t appear the moment that we can support that. What you would be looking for, is the ability to override the content assigned to the ‘description’ property. ( https://github.com/pronamic/wp-pronamic-google-maps/blob/develop/classes/Pronamic/Google/Maps/Maps.php#L401 )

    Currently though, there is no filter attached to the $info object or the description property set, which means it can not be modified. We will take note of this and give an additional filter on the entire $info object.

    This will make modifications to every property ( title, description etc ) a possibility.

    Thread Starter Maartje_1992


    Oke thanks for the link, but that’s too much php for me :p
    Than I was wondering if there is a way to delete the bubbel.

    I know it won’t dissapear if you don’t fill in anything in the adress or description sector.
    But I do also want it for a diffrent custom post wich needs the adress for a diffrent map using the same adress.
    So if there is a code you can paste in the function it would be nice ??

    (My dutch is way better than my english, and because your dutch I think it will make things more clear to give a dutch explanation as well)

    Dankjewel voor de link, maar dat is nog te ingewikkeld voor me.

    Is er ook een manier om de bubbel op sommige plekken te verwijderen.
    Ik weet dat het kan door niets in te vullen bij beschrijving, adres etc. maar dat heb ik wel nodig.

    Ik heb nl een custom post type die alle ‘projecten’ op een kaart weergeeft, op de single-projecten detailpagina wil ik ook een klein mapje, die dus dezelfde info gebruikt. Hiervoor gebruik ik gewoon de dynamic code voor in de template.
    Bestaat er een code die ik hiertussen kan zetten waardoor de bubbel gedisabled wordt?
    Iets als
    infowindow => false

    Ik vind het trouwens een hele fijne plugin :)!


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