• Hello!

    I’m presently having an issue getting the Print-o-Matic plugin to print an ArcGIS OpenStreetMap (contained within an iframe) exclusively.

    First off, this is the page:

    This is the code I use to generate the map:

    <div id="kidzmap" class="embed-container">
    <iframe title="5E School Mapping Tool - KiDZ Neuroscience Center" src="https://www.arcgis.com/apps/Embed/index.html?webmap=86d0f999459e420f9af7eeb5a589afde&extent=-151.0586,7.2273,-42.3379,56.8706&home=true&zoom=true&scale=true&search=true&searchextent=true&disable_scroll=false&theme=light" width="0" height="250" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no"></iframe></div>

    And I am using the shortcode [print-me target=".embed-container"] to call upon the print button. I’ve already tried putting the text “TEST” inside the embed-container, which DOES work to display the text, but not the map.

    The map does print if I use CTRL+P on the page itself, but the whole point of the button is to make sure I can print out the map from the site with nothing else.

    Appreciate any help that could possibly clear this up. Thank you very much!



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  • Plugin Author Baden


    the map is actually there, but it’s has no width.
    I assume the css for the map is missing in the print page.
    you might need to include the css in the Print CSS section of the plugin’s options page.
    Let us know your results.

    Thread Starter kidznc


    Partial success!

    I put the CSS for the map into both the “Custom Style” and “Custom Print Page Style” boxes, and the map does indeed show up. It won’t show up using one or the other though – it requires the same exact CSS replicated in both style boxes.

    That said, the ArcGIS map now shows up on print preview, but there are a few issues:

    #1. The ArcGIS map overflows the print boundaries rather than re-sizing to fit. This also is the case if I change the shortcode to print a Google map configured on the same page.
    #2. The map will only print its default start location on the ArcGIS map, not wherever the front-end user has placed the map.

    Both maps also overflow if I use CTRL+P, so I take it this isn’t a plugin issue. However, both maps will print their correct coordinates if printed from the CTRL+P function.

    I’ll try 100% as the width setting (I’d prefer that the map be responsive on the main page) and see what develops.

    Any ideas?


    Plugin Author Baden


    …so this is how our plugin works. The user hits’s the print-o-matic button and then creates a new window/document and clones what you want to print via jQuery. The issue here is, the iframe holds an app, that the user can adjust. Since the user modified info is internal to the map app, this info is not cloned, but rather a new instance of the app is displayed on the print page.

    This is a common issue with embedded maps.

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