• When I bought your Premium Product Catalogue, I was looking forward to make nice Custom Product Page. After of many hours of trying do this, I don’t understand why you have Custom page in your catalogue, when it absolutely doesn’t work. Any distributions and sizes of fields I create in administration, something different (and usually terrible) is displaying. OK, there is also Tabbed product page, that looks quite well and should work…but…so my questions:
    1. Tabbed product page – paragraphs in the text. In product administration I insert text in Description divided to paragraphs, but the paragraphs don’t displey in Product details (my label is: Základní informace). So I switch Description field to HTML and make paragraphs with <br><br> and save, ok I have Paragraphs in Product details. But when I switch Description field back to Editor, <br> and paragraphs disapear and I have one text again. So, how can I make lasting paragraphs in text in Product details?
    2. Product Page – Add Tabbs: I added another tabb to my Tabbed product page. You write there: ?You can add additional tabs to the tabbed layout using the form above, and include the product name using [product-name] or custom fields using [custom-field-slug]“. I tried to add custom field with slug ?dostvel“ so to content field I insert [custom-field-dostvel], but it doesn’t work. It is displaying only the text [custom-field-dostvel] not the custom field.
    3. Product Page – Add Tabbs: Why Content field of added tabbs don’t have Editor. It is only for simple text or for what?
    4. It is possible to make larger thumbnail of main image of product? Respectively the area is large enought but the thumbnail has to large margins, so the image is quite small.

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  • Thread Starter midach


    I agree. This product s a MESS.

    Hi Midach,

    Thanks for the URL ??

    Answer to #1:

    In general in WordPress, switching between Visual and Text, some elements like <br/> will be stripped out.

    So the easiest way to create paragraphs would be to set it to add text while in Visual tab mode and create new paragraphs by pressing “Enter” (aka Return).

    For example, if you have this block of text:

    Kvalitní karbonovy rám KTM Aera nezaostává za ?pi?kokvym ráme Myroon v pevnosti nebo vyborné geometrii. Nenabízí jenom některé technologie (jako pevnou zadní osu, integrovany uchycení p?ehazova?ky a p?esmyka?e) a má o pár desítek gram? vy??í hmotnost. I kdy? se jedná o dostupny karbonovy model, vybavu nabízí více ne? slu?nou.

    And you want “I kdy? se jedná…” to appear on a new line, put your cursor after “gram? vy??í hmotnost.” and press Enter. After clicking Save Changes, “I kdy? se jedná..” will appear on a new line in the product page description.


    Answers to #2 and #3:

    Replace [custom-field-dostvel] with [dostvel] instead. This should display your dostvel custom field.

    The content field is meant only to contain either a [Product Name] or a [Custom Field slug], so if you would like to display HTML in an additional tab, I’d suggest:

    • Creating a new custom field (let’s say you name it “Test123” with a slug of “test”).
    • Set the type to “textarea”.
    • Go to your product, scroll down to “Test123” and add in your HTML code.

    Note: there is no editor to this box, so you will need to type out the HTML code you wish to add.


    Answer to #4:

    Here’s some custom CSS you can add to the Custom CSS box in the Edit Catalogue page:

    .upcp-tabbed-main-image-inner img {
    max-width: inherit !important;
    width: 96%;
    height: auto;
    max-height: inherit !important;
    margin: 0 2%;}
    Thread Starter midach


    ad 2, 3 and 4 works well, according to your advice, thank you.

    But I have still problem with paragraphs. Of course I have generally used ENTER in Editor mode to make paragraphs. It works well in posts and so on. But not in your product administration. I made paragraphs by ENTER in Editor mode, there are saved and displaing right paragraphs in administration, but not displeyd in product page where is one text not divided, as you can see here:


    Plugin Author Rustaurius


    Hi Midach,

    On the “Options” tab, in the “General” area of the “Basic Options”, what do you currently have “Contents Filter” set to?

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