• The plugin does not convert many articles.
    I see problem with facebook video embed code (no instant article conversion)
    And also errors with article with many pictures.
    I see that many articles are converted only for the featured image and title, ther eis no text or images in the instant articles version.

    It’s a shame that nobody answer to many questions i made here and in other threads.
    This is supposed to be the official plugin from facebook and automattic.

    I think i will use other non official plugin soon if you don’t answer


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  • Perhaps a little harsh. This is a free plugin developed outside of Facebook. WordPress is an open source platform and we are all free to hire our own developers and produce what we need at our own cost. If you want your FB IA platform for free then that’s fine, but to expect the developers to jump to the beat of your own urgent drum is perhaps asking too much?

    Not at all. Not asking too much, but its an official plugin. The support was on fire the first few days and now gone silent seemingly abandoning the project.

    Why even develop it in the first place if no one is going to support it? Who’s the project leader? Why is this here?

    If the service is terrible then perhaps ask for a refund?

    My point is not that you shouldn’t report issues and feedback to the devs but thinking you are owed anything in an open source system is not really how it works.

    If it’s really important to you to have a plugin that does exactly what you want, when you want then pay a dev to make it happen.

    I’m confident that in time this plugin will do what we all want it to, but I’m also aware that no free plugin works out of the gate and in an open source environment no one has a right to expect anything.

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  • The topic ‘many bugs and no supoort’ is closed to new replies.