Hey Roman.
There are several instances where the Ranks add-on “checks” to see if a users rank should change. These are:
– When a users balance changes.
– When you enable the plugin (so also on updates)
– When a user becomes a member
– When a Rank is updated / published.
Disabling these instances are easy since they all use add_action() or add_filter(). We could use the remove_action() and remove_filter() to disable these but thats where the fun ends.
Right now, this add-on is built with “automatic rank assignment” in mind. So if you disable the above instances, myCRED would just turn into a Rank management add-on.
The question here is, how would you want to assign ranks? Off the top of my head, you could add some custom user fields on the User Editor page with a dropdown of Ranks that you can select from.
The way Ranks are associated is by saving the Rank’s (a custom post type) ID to the user as a custom user meta.