• Resolved Roman



    W3 Total Cache 2.1.1

    One of my sites has a lot of articles with rare update. Some of them are popular (up to several thousands hits per hour) and often commented, some not. At same time this site has a lot of returned visitors, not just new one-time visitors from search engines. I need to setup server cache lifetime correctly. And I am very puzzled with this.

    As I understand W3TC allows to set lifetime for page cache (server side cache) with option “Expires header lifetime” in HTML-section of Browser cache settings page. Correct? If so, this is not good for me. I cann’t set long time here, because:
    1. if user commented article and somebody answered him, user should see this answer, but not page, cached in browser;
    2. if something changed at this articles by content-manager (happens rare, but happens), returned users should see this immidiately.

    So, I agree to set header lifetime for browser up to 1 hour, but not more. At same time I want to keep server cache for pages not less than 24 hours in order to reduce server load. And I don’t understand, how to setup this with W3TC in case there is only one option for both timers.

    Any idea, what to do? Maybe, any good manual about setup page cache in W3TC?

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  • Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @vladroman

    Thank you for your inquiry and I am happy to assist you with this.
    The Browser Cache TTL and Set expire header are strictly for the Browser Cache. So once the page is cached, it will remain cached and will not change until the Cache is manually purged or some article is updated or a new post created (This depends on the Peformance>Page Cahce>Purge Policy )
    SO this does not have anything to do with the server load it’s only related to how long the page will be in the visitor’s browser (1 hour) unless the cache is purged.

    Thread Starter Roman


    Thank you for answer, Marko. But I’m a bit confused now…

    I read this:

    In this case, The TTL of page cache files is set via the “Expires header lifetime” field in the “HTML” section on the Browser Cache Settings tab.


    Now you need to take that into consideration if you are using Browser Cache>HTML&XML “Set expires header” as in W3 Total Cache The TTL of page cache files is set via the “Expires header lifetime” field in the “HTML” section on Browser Cache Settings tab.

    And some other topics. Everywhere people ask about keeping server cache and got answer, that they should setup option in HTML section of Browser Cache module. That was a bit strange, because, as for me, server cache and browser cache lifetimes should be different options, but I belived, what read. ??

    Ok, please, explain from zero or send me to any manual. I need to setup server (!) cache lifetime. I need it at least 24h, if it is not purged manually or by post editing. What option should I edit?

    Plugin Contributor Marko Vasiljevic


    Hello @vladroman

    The Page Caching and Browser Caching are different and yes, you are correct.
    As you can see under the Page cache settings the TTL of page cache files is set via the “Expires header lifetime” field in the “HTML” section on the Browser Cache Settings tab.
    This means that W3 Total Cache does not have an option or the TTL for cached pages on the server. SO the page will remain cached on the server until the cache is purged. This can be 1 hour, or 1 year, depends on the fact if the cache is purged for some reason, some post/article updated or cache preload cached a new set of pages.

    Expires headers tell the browser whether a resource on a website needs to be requested from the source or if it can be fetched from the browser’s cache. When you set an expires header for a resource, such as HTML, the browser will store those resources in its cache. The next time the visitor comes back to the page it will load faster, as the browser will already have the page available.

    So if the expires header is set to 3600s, this means that the Browser will fetch the page from the server every 3600s, and if the cached page did not change in the meantime, it will fetch the same cached page as before.

    W3 Total Cache does not have an option to purge the cache every x hours. This would be counterproductive as you want the page to remain cached as long as possible if not changed.
    This is why we have the option to purge the specific page to avoid purging all cache.

    I hope this helps!

    Thread Starter Roman


    Thank you for big explaining, Marko.

    So, as I understood you, W3TC doesn’t drop server page cache by time. It could only be renewed, if cache builder robot does this, post is edited, comment is added or manually by me. Correct?

    I’ve made experiment.
    I disabled robot, deleted cache for very old unpopular post and opened it in browser. Then I opened /wp-content/cache/page_enhanced/<site_name>/<page_name/, found there new _index_ssl.html, so cache for this page had just been generated. Then I took off hands from keyboard and went away. ?? I returned after 9 hours and saw at this path _index_ssl.html_old. I again opened post in browser and immidiatly got _index_ssl.html.

    Nobody edited any posts at site during experiment time, there was not new comment, even counter showed, that this post was opened only by me. And I repeat, cache builder robot is disabled. Why did cache for this post was dropped?

    Thread Starter Roman


    As I can see now, in /wp-content/cache/page_enhanced/<site_name>/ about 40% directories have modified time same, as tested post, and have inside _index_ssl.html_old, so cache were dropped for them. About 55% directories have modified time newer and _index_ssl.html inside – cache were dropped and new cache were builded (or maybe for some very-very small % of them cache was generated first time). And, attention, about 5% directories have modified time older and _index_ssl.html inside – there is old, but not dropped cache.

    I repeat again, nobody edited posts, no new comments, no manual cache purge, cache preload disabled.

    What was that, if not purging cache by time? And why 5% of cache was not purged? Now I understand absolutely nothing in cache renewing logic. ??

    Thread Starter Roman


    Server page cache is cleaned in W3TC by WordPress cron job.
    Hook => w3_pgcache_cleanup
    Action => W3TC\PgCache_Plugin->cleanup()
    Recurrence => [W3TC] Page Cache file GC (every <time> seconds)

    I didn’t see this before, because my preload cache robot worked hard and rebuild cache very quickly, and I tested W3TC only with not big sites.

    Cleaning time could be setup in Page cache module settins in Advanced section with option “Garbage collection interval”. Before I thought, this option delete only old server page cache (_index_ssl.html_old). But looks like it drops all server page cache. It could be setup more advanced with any cron control plugin like WP Crontrol.

    According to your words, that W3TC doesn’t clean cache by time, I don’t know, is this bug or feature. But I like this ability. ?? It is very important for sites with 10000+ pages, where cache builder robot can’t preload all pages at normal time, but all cache should be renewed regulally (in case of updating widgets, for example).

    So, my main question about managing page cache lifetime is answered now.

    But I still don’t understand, why 5-10% of server page cache isn’t cleaned by this cron job. Looks like this cache doesn’t live longer, than cron interval x2, so it is not critical. But strange. I will keep an eye on it for a few days.

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