• Here are my blogware MINIMUM needs

    1. 3 columns
    2. Subcategories
    3. Recent postings (headl.+ short intro)
    4. Recent comments
    5. Decent security

    Does WP manage this ?
    …and more?

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  • 1. 3 columns–WordPress uses Themes and there are literally hundreds (maybe thousands) of Themes to choose from. Here’s some 3-column Themes.
    2. Subcategories–are easily created when you specify a Parent Category in the Admin -> Manage -> Categories panel.
    3. Recent Postings – could be handled via a Theme or via a Plugin.
    4. Recent Comments – could be handled via a Plugin.
    5. Decent Security – You must login to WordPress to manage a site. Also, Roles and Capabilities control what users can and can’t do.

    Yes and there’s so much more…

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    And, thank you, for letting us know if this information proves useful (or not)!

    1. There are themes around
    2. Yes
    3. With plugin (different around)
    4. With plugin (different around)
    5. There are some, but be more specific in your requirements

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