Hi, everybody. Tried to disconnect other plug-ins, but result that – the empty page of moderation on the new version of a plug-in. The old version sends for moderation, but doesn’t send to the necessary category. Short-code such::[fu-upload-form class=”your-class” title=”” suppress_default_fields=”true” form_layout=”post”]
[input type=”text” name=”post_title” id=”title” class=”required” description=”My custom Title”]
[textarea name=”post_content” class=”textarea” id=”ug_caption” description=”My description (optional)”]
[select name=”post_category” description=”Category” values=”1:Опыт,5:Великие оригиналы”]
[input type=”file” name=”photo” id=”ug_photo” class=”required” description=”Your Photo” multiple=”multiple”]
[input type=”submit” class=”btn” value=”Submit”]