Same experience here as adebaby
One of my WordPress sites was accessible to a friend of mine who must have installed additional plugins.
There where 2 plugins that I had not installed:
‘Limit login attempts’ seems to be genuine but the “wordpress remove version” plugin seems to be creating the ‘ToolsPack’plugin that adebaby mentioned above. (the ‘wordpress remove version’ plugin has some very suspicious code in the config.php and also has a ‘fwrite’ command that writes the ‘base64_decode’ statement found in ToolsPack)
As adebaby writes, this ToolsPack.php file was requested almost every hour from IP addresses in the 83.69.224 range – which are russian ip addresses.
Also as mentioned before, the toolpack or ‘wordpress remove version’ must have injected code in various index.html and index.php files. In my case all index.html and index.php files in my top level folders where replaced/modified with malicious JavaScript code – also mentioned above – looks like this
but quite a bit longer.
Initially I deleted/cleaned all infected index files but I noticed that after a while all cleaned index files where again replaced with malicious code. That’s when I started looking into my server access logs and found the hourly requests to the ToolsPack.php file. After deleting the ToolsPack and wordpress-remove-version plugins all index files are now OK and are not replaced any longer.
Related or not? While looking through my server logs I also noticed that the wordpress site that was infected also received almost hourly search requests from from IP addresses like and
A second small static html site on the same server where the index.html file got replaced, also received regular traffic from various Russian websites of questionable nature. So it seems that the Toolpack issue, and the traffic to the index files that contained the malicious code are related.