• Hello,

    my host is warning me that there is malware in many of my sites under the above directory.

    The issue appeared after I activated and setup w3tc. Is this a known issue? Is there malware in the 00000 folder (here’s an example ls)

    013 0c5 1a7 35e 4cc 5fa 841 8ec 9d9 ae7 b9e c56 d89 ed2 ffb
    027 0c9 1ae 36b 4f6 642 871 91a a14 b07 bc3 cb3 dfe ed5
    097 0e9 208 3ce 519 690 88a 936 a38 b15 c04 cc8 e07 efe
    09e 15e 213 3f0 58f 72d 89c 948 a3b b32 c0c cca e09 fae
    0af 180 2c1 40c 5bf 730 8b3 961 a49 b72 c26 cd6 e93 fd4
    0b5 185 2db 45f 5e2 7de 8c5 9c5 a7e b73 c46 d24 e95 ff3

    example contents

    [host]$ file 5fa/fe1/5fafe159b98767c53c87b951a5129b4a.php
    5fa/fe1/5fafe159b98767c53c87b951a5129b4a.php: Non-ISO extended-ASCII text, with very long lines, with no line terminators
    [host]$ more 5fa/fe1/5fafe159b98767c53c87b951a5129b4a.php
    ?lT<?php exit; ?>a:1:{s:7:”content”;a:8:{s:15:”_menu_item_type”;a:1:{i:0;s:6:”cus

    If that is indeed malware is it w3tc related? How can I remove it?



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