Hi again!
Yes, do not delete wflogs unless you are having issues with blocking or Live Traffic. It completely resets the Firewall!
I see that two people have reported scan issues following this. I’m not sure why deleting wflogs would affect your scans. That’s not something we have seen before so this is why I suggested creating new threads for this. As a general recommendation to debug scans that hang
1. Enable “debug mode” at the bottom of the Wordfence diagnostics page. Run a manual scan. You will now see much more detailed information in the “Scan detailed activity” box. It may give an indication if there are any connection issues with Wordfence servers or if a large file is being scanned right before it stops, the scan may be hanging on that particular file.
2. If it appears that your scan is getting stuck on a large file, you can try disabling “Scan images, binary, and other files as if they were executable” on the Wordfence options page. You can also try lowering the “Maximum execution time for each scan stage” to less than half of what max_execution_time is set to on your server. Typically, a value of 20 should work here. If you want to know what max execution time is set at on your site, you can click “Click to view your system’s configuration in a new window” on the Wordfence Diagnostics page and then search in that page for “max_execution_time”.
3. Check your servers error logs to make sure no Fatal Errors are being generated during the scan. On many sites you can get the servers error logs directly via the “Logs” section on the Wordfence Diagnostics page. If you can not find your error logs there, and you can not find them in your web hosts administration panel, please ask your host to provide them.
Once you have gone through these steps, I would suggest creating a new thread in the forum and present your findings.