My WordPress website,, has been hacked. I know that hacking can take many forms, so allow me to explain exactly what’s going on, in detail.
On my laptop, when I logon to my website, for a moment I can see the top third of my Home Page, but then it disappears and the page is blank and remains so. My address simultaneously changes from the above to a series of numbers and letters.
On my iPhone 6, when I use the Safari app and select my website from my favourites list, again for a brief moment I can see my Home Page but then it very quickly morphs into a cornucopia of advertising. Sometimes I get a notice informing me that I’ve won some prize or other.
When I switch from Safari to Firefox it gets worse! Instead of the blank page, I get a blue page with text that strongly suggests that I use the telephone number to call Windows (something, or other) or all hell is going to break loose with my financial data etc. There is also a drop down demanding my username and password.
Last night I found two unwanted Users on my site, which I removed. I downloaded a three different security plugins and scanned my site and set up a firewall. I then checked my website on both devices and everything seemed back to normal.
This morning it’s back. What can I do?