• I’m in the process of integrating Alex King’s “you-look-mahvelous” WP-Style-Switcher into my blog. Awesome plug-in.
    As a result I removed the call for the Wump Blog logo out of the index.php file and put it into what I am now calling the “Original Flavor” css style sheet. I’m struggling with how to make it so the logo doubles as a hyperlink to the blog itself. Here’s the code I’d like to integrate into the css somehow (I’m assuming that’s possible):
    < a href = “http : //www.wump.info/wumpblog ” > <img class = “center”
    I might remove the “center” command from this. The main thing is getting that href code going. Anyone who can tell me how to code this in, I’d appreciate it.

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  • Thread Starter danithew


    Whoops, I didn’t do enough to make sure the code I was talking about would show up. Sorry. Looks like it should be accessible now.

    In the nicest way – I am struggling a bit to understand what help you need and what we are meant to be looking at. But I am pretty thick I know.

    Thread Starter danithew


    It used to be that when I clicked on the Wump Blog logo, that it would sort of refresh the site/blog, if that makes any sense. Right now due to the style-switcher I’m trying to add, I’m not sure the normal (what is supposed to be) the default page is showing up — so you might not even be seeing the logo. If you can find the styles options and choose “original_flavor” you’ll see the logo I’m talking about. I want that logo to double as a link to https://www.wump.info/wumpblog.
    You are not thick Root. I am sure I mis-communicated or have messed with my site in a way that makes following what I’m talking about nearly impossible. Sorry! I hope the above is clearer.

    Thread Starter danithew


    I just realized that I actually failed to make what I am calling the “original_flavor” style the default that would show up when other people brought up my blog. I thought I followed the directions on this but somehow I’m messing up. I think that was part of what caused the problem, as no logo shows up on the basic wordpress style that shows up.

    The big qualifier is IF you can find the styles options.

    Thread Starter danithew


    Beel, if you’re talking about font-size, I just made the fonts larger so they should be readable now — at least in the basic wordpress design style. Sorry again for the inconvenience.

    Thread Starter danithew


    I just changed the css in the Wp-default to my normal style… I’ll get the image in there in a second, I hope.

    Thread Starter danithew


    Somehow between trying to get the style-switcher going AND get the hyperlink created in the logo I’ve made a bit of a mess. I have to do some work currently so I’m going to step away and come back to the task at hand a little later. Sorry for the confusions that I caused, folks. Always appreciate your help.

    Well, if you have decided to move the image into the css – which might be more appropriate for multiple styles, you may wish to set something like h1 a {display:block; width:100%} with <h1 id=”header”> href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>"></h1> in your page.

    Thread Starter danithew


    can the hyperlinked logo be done entirely from the css? or do i have to enter something in index.php? I’d like to have it all done from the css if possible.

    <?php bloginfo(‘url’); ?> = https://www.wump.info/wumpblog

    Let me look into this for you danithew and try and figure out what in the name of heck, has been going on here.

    Thread Starter danithew


    Thanks Root. By the way, I’m not frustrated at all. Just learning. WordPress Support is just amazing. Thanks to all of you guys.
    p.s. By the way, I had a question yesterday and was going to post it… then thought better of it and figured out the answer for myself. I know I’m sounding like the immature child I can be sometimes here… but just wanted you to know that my ability to get this stuff figured out has increased at least a little. I was a total newbie to blogging itself when I started with WordPress, nevermind coding. Thanks to all the support I’ve gotten here and from the things I’ve learned a lot a way, I’m not a complete css basket-case. So, that’s my extended thank you to WordPress Support. Someday when I have a little more money at hand, I hope to express gratitude in an even more satisfactory way.

    No compensation necessary at all. This is a public service. And you are welcome.

    Thread Starter danithew


    Thanks Beel for your help. That finally worked! Woo hoo! I’ll be entering that into the other style sheets for the style-switcher, once I have a shot.

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