Hello @mattgal,
It is possible, but you would need to slightly edit the code.
Pls connect to your website via ftp and navigate to wp-content/plugins/show-hidecollapse-expand. Open bg_show_hide.php and locate line 209:
$content = $bg_hidden_content_start . $bg_hidden_data . $showmore_btn . $bg_list_end .
"<" . $bg_showmore_content_tag . $bg_showmore_extra_attributes . " id='bg-showmore-hidden-$bg_uniq_id' >" .
$content . "</" . $bg_showmore_content_tag . ">" .
$bg_hidden_content_end . $bg_list_start;
Change to:
$content = $bg_hidden_content_start . $bg_hidden_data . $bg_list_end .
"<" . $bg_showmore_content_tag . $bg_showmore_extra_attributes . " id='bg-showmore-hidden-$bg_uniq_id' >" .
$content . "</" . $bg_showmore_content_tag . ">" .
$bg_hidden_content_end . $bg_list_start . $showmore_btn;
This way button will stick to the bottom.
Pls keep in mind that collapsed lists won’t work after this change however. We’ll consider adding such option as a feature in future releases.
Pls let me know if your issue is resolved.
Best regards