Making post images show up automatically in a theme
If you’re interested in building a theme that use images automatically in the posts, you might find this code snippet useful. This will allow a thumbnail image to show up automatically without require the writer to insert any code in the post:
<?php # get the thumbnail image if one exists $image = ""; $post_attachments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT guid " ."FROM $wpdb->posts " ."WHERE post_parent = '$post->ID' " ."AND post_type = 'attachment' " ."ORDER BY <code>post_date</code> ASC " ."LIMIT 0,1" ); if ($post_attachments) { $image = $post_attachments[0]->guid; $image = str_replace(".jpg","-64x64.jpg",$image); $image = str_replace(".png","-64x64.png",$image); $image = str_replace(".gif","-64x64.gif",$image); } ?> <?php if ( $image != "" ) { ?> # Do something with the $image <? } ?>
I’ve posted a few more details in case you’re interested here:
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