Making my AJAX powered WordPress Crawlable
I read the following and try to apply this scheme to my website running WordPress:
If you visit my website at you will see that it loads the posts within the home page and the url becomes!/anne-au-cherry when this post is loaded. A static version of the same content is available for the crawler at but if a visitor using a browser visits it he will be redirected to!/anne-au-cherry (this is done with javascript).
In order to provide the crawler with the needed ?_escaped_fragment_= I used a WordPress hack I’ve found on the net: and now the GoogleBot can see the content of my AJAX powered pages. I thought it was all done.
But when I paste a post link to Facebook (i.e.) it is unable to read the content of the page so I guessed that my website isn’t really respecting the scheme described in the Google documentation since Facebook is supporting it (If you paste!/gablabelle it will work). So since I’m using the jQuery.address plugin to get my hashbang (#!) I went to their website and downloaded their sample files to see what were the differences between their files and mine and realized that they were probably using a php function to create the needed HTML snapshots: because this is why, I guess, Facebook can’t read mine.
<?php error_reporting(E_ALL ^ (E_NOTICE | E_WARNING)); $fragment = $_REQUEST['_escaped_fragment_']; $file = 'data/' . (isset($fragment) && $fragment != '' && $fragment != '/' ? preg_replace('/\//', '', $fragment) : 'home') . '.xml'; $re = '/(^<[^>]*>)|(\n|\r\n|\t|\s{2,4})*/'; $handle = fopen($file, 'r'); if ($handle != false) { $content = preg_replace($re, '', fread($handle, filesize($file))); fclose($handle); } else { $content = 'Page not found!'; header(php_sapi_name() == 'cgi' ? 'Status: 404' : 'HTTP/1.1 404'); } ?>
So my guess is that I could maybe use a similar php function to serv the HTML snapshots instead of using the WordPress hack but I would need to adapt it to WordPress. The problem is that I’m no programmer and I did my best so far.
My post are in this format:!/anne-au-cherry and the static version is available at (Where anne-au-cherry is the slug of the post and changes depending on the page we are viewing).
So my question is could someone confirm that I’m on the right path and if possible also help creating that php function?
Many thanks for your time and help!
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