• I’m setting up a blog for announcements for my comic book here. I’m redecorating a theme called Justix, which was created by davetec.net.

    As the theme originally has it, the drop-down menu at the top has a single “links” option (which I’ve renamed “elsewhere” on my blog), and all links are categorized there. What I want instead is a separate drop-down menu for each link category, rather than single menu with all the links.

    Unfortunately, I’m pretty php-illiterate. If anyone could give me clear instructions for how to do this, I’d appreciate it.

    Here’s what the sidebar.php file currently says (I hope I’m pasting the code in right!):

    <div id="meniu">
    <table class="sidetable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>

    <ul id="meniuList" class="adxm adxmV">

    <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=<a href=#><b>' . __('Here') . '</b></a>' ); ?>

    <li class="submenu"><a href="#"><b>
    <?php _e('Elsewhere'); ?></b></a>
    <ul id="LinkMenu">

    <?php aplus::blog_roll('name', true, false, false, false, false); ?>



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