• Hi,

    I made changes to the Pricing Tables in the shortcode-function.php.
    Is it possible to reflect these changes in my theme’s functions.php so that upgrading the plugin wont wipe the edited code?

    Thank you,

    if( !function_exists('wc_shortcodes_pricing') ) {
    	function wc_shortcodes_pricing( $atts, $content = null  ) {
    		extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    			'type'					=> 'primary', // primary, secondary, inverse
    			'plan'					=> 'Basic', // string
    			'cost'					=> '', // string
    			'highseason'			=> '', // string
    			'lowseason'				=> '', // string
    			'datehigh'				=> '', // month, day, year, week, etc
    			'datelow'				=> '', // month, day, year, week, etc
    			'singlehigh'			=> '', // month, day, year, week, etc
    			'doublehigh'			=> '', // month, day, year, week, etc
    			'singlelow'				=> '', // month, day, year, week, etc
    			'doublelow'				=> '', // month, day, year, week, etc
    			'childrenhigh'				=> '', // month, day, year, week, etc
    			'childrenlow'				=> '', // month, day, year, week, etc
    			'per'					=> '', // month, day, year, week, etc
    			'button_url'			=> '', // url to payment gateway
    			'button_text'			=> 'Purchase', // call to action button
    			'button_target'			=> 'self', // self, blank
    			'button_rel'			=> 'nofollow', // alternate, author, bookmark, help, license, next, nofollow, noreferrer, prefetch, prev, search, tag
    			'class'					=> '', // add your own css class for customization.
    		), $atts ) );
    		//start content
    		$pricing_content ='';
    		$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing wc-shortcodes-pricing-type-'. $type .' '. $class .'">';
    			$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-header">';
    				$pricing_content .= '<h5>'. $plan. '</h5>';
    				$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-cost">'. $highseason. '</div>';
    				$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-content">'. $datehigh. '</div>';
    				$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-content">'. $singlehigh. '</div>';
    				$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-content">'. $doublehigh. '</div>';
    				$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-content">'. $childrenhigh. '</div>';
    				$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-cost">'. $lowseason. '</div>';
    				$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-content">'. $datelow. '</div>';
    				$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-content">'. $singlelow. '</div>';
    				$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-content">'. $doublelow. '</div>';
    				$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-content">'. $childrenlow. '</div>';
    				$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-content"><br/></div>';
    	$pricing_content .= '</div>';
    				$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-button"><a href="'. $button_url .'" class="wc-shortcodes-button wc-shortcodes-button-'.$type.'" target="_'. $button_target .'" rel="'. $button_rel .'"><span class="wc-shortcodes-button-inner">'. $button_text .'</span></a></div>';
    	//			$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-cost">'. $cost .'</div><div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-per">'. $per .'</div>';
    	//		$pricing_content .= '</div>';
    			$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-content">';
    				$pricing_content .= ''. $content. '';
    			$pricing_content .= '</div>';
    			if( $button_url ) {
    				$pricing_content .= '<div class="wc-shortcodes-pricing-button"><a href="'. $button_url .'" class="wc-shortcodes-button wc-shortcodes-button-'.$type.'" target="_'. $button_target .'" rel="'. $button_rel .'"><span class="wc-shortcodes-button-inner">'. $button_text .'</span></a></div>';
    		$pricing_content .= '</div>';
    		return $pricing_content;


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