• Hello,

    I am having trouble figuring out how to make the pages background white so that the text I put in is readable. If you look at the pages About, Sessions, Rates, Testimonials you will see that the background appears to be transparent and the text is not readable because of the image background. At least it is this way in Firefox and Safari. Is there a way to make the backgrounds of my pages white while keeping the background of the site the image of the flor- de -li?


    Does this question make sense?

    Thanks for any help or guidance!
    Have a great day!

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  • Hi again…. I hate to say it, but I’m looking at your ‘About’ page right now. Just like yesterday, the background is white….

    I just scanned your source and saw this…maybe its causing some trouble?


    I think you mean

    <?php wp_head(); ?>

    that could be causing cross browser issues, and could be why we don’t see the same things…. (its in header.php)

    Thread Starter happydayimagery


    Hey Rvoodoo!
    Nice to see you again. I tried that and it is still the same…..

    Are you viewing it in Internet Explorer? PC? Do you see the tiled image (grey Flor-d-li) around the site?

    Wonder what I need to do to get the BG white in Firefox and Safari?

    I appreciate you taking a look at that and wish I could help you on your last post but that is way beyond my knowledge? ?? Just saw that you figured it out yourself. ??


    Here’s what I see…… Unfortunately, I only have IE7 available to me at this time. I could troubleshoot for ya if I had my laptop… maybe someone else can help…. or if I have time at home.

    off topic-yeah, I got one problem fixed on my site, and broke another thing fixing it. I broke my cache!

    Thread Starter happydayimagery


    Yep that is what I want to have it look like in Firefox and Safari…. hmmmmmm

    Wonder why I can’t make that happen. Has anyone had this problem before?

    Thanks for your help RVoodoo!

    I guess you could try adding


    under the wrapper line and see if it helps. Doubt it will, but its another way to target the whole area….

    Thread Starter happydayimagery


    /* =structure */
    body{background-image: url(“https://www.happydayimagery.com/bg3.giff&#8221;);font:1.4em/1.6 “Hoefler Text”, “Georgia”, Georgia, serif, sans-serif;margin:0;padding:0}
    #wrapper{padding:0;margin:0 auto;width:800px;position:relative;display:block;background-color:white;}

    I tried this but it didn’t change anything. Is that what you meant?

    yup…it was just a shot in the dark. It targets the same part of your site using a different selector.

    It was all I could do really without a better computer…..sorry.. ??

    Thread Starter happydayimagery


    thanks for trying. Hopefully there is someone else out there that has had this issue and has some advice.

    Anyone, anyone, anyone, Bueller?

    Thread Starter happydayimagery


    After a lot of searching I have found this


    I think it has become a solution for Firefox and Safari but I am not sure with IE.
    Is there anyone willing to check this for me?

    Thanks you and hope this has helped others in a similar problem.

    I dont know your setup but mine is normally something similar to this


    if I want something to have a different background or something in a different place i edit the page.php file and just give the blog container ai different name so it would be something like this, and I just add another #div tag into the css and style accordingly. hope this all makes sense, better than a plugin IMO

    Thread Starter happydayimagery


    Hey randinicole,

    I am all for doing this manually without the use of a plug in but my coding skills and understanding are quite novice. Am I editing the code you mentioned above in the page.php file or the style.css ? Was the only thing you changed this <blogcontainerpages> ?

    And when you say you add another #div tag in the css accordingly can you explain more what you mean?

    Thank you so much for your help and guidance with this!

    <kinda offtopic>
    <div class="container" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">

    used for the ‘containerwrap’ would work nifty
    then in your css you get .container to work with as a class, but also a specific ID on a per page basis so you can style single pages…..

    if the plugin is solving your BG issues in firefox/safari, you should be good. Your BG has always been good in IE, I just checked, it’s still all white

    You will be editing 2 files. One being the page.php file and the other being the style.css file. I cannot tell you specifics because I am not looking directly at your code but if you have a basic wp code understanding you will get what the divs are for.

    The Page.php edit will be changing said <div id=postcontent">
    (generic id) to <div id="postcontentwhite"> (again generic)

    then add

    #postcontentwhite {
    backgroud-color : #ffffff; } along with the other styles from the postcontent original css. so it falls into place with the index page layout and singple blog page layout (minus the background color) Hopefully this makes some sense. Its latee (well early but I have not slept yet lol) I might be talking in circles lol.

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