Thanks for your help! There is an option tab but I’m not sure what I’m supposed to change. I think it has to do something with the default or custom layout but I don’t know what to change the fields to. I put some of the fields below (if that helps at all)
Home Layout Default layout
Custom layout
Choose the layout for the home.php, the home page. The default layout looks the same as the regular index. The custom layout features one specific page/post (the “Featured” page/post) and then the latest blog entry below it. Default is Default layout.
Note: The following three options are only applicable if the Custom layout is selected. If you select custom layout, you must correct the “Featured Page/Post” option below.
Featured Page/Post
Use either page_id=X or p=Y to select the “featured” page/post for the custom layout. To display a page, enter the id where X is, e.g., page_id=2. To display a post, enter the id where Y is, e.g., p=42. You can find the id for a page or post in Manage > Pages / > Pages menus. Default is page_id=2.
Advanced users: This function inserts data into query_posts; using query_posts terms other than page_id= or p= above may produce cool/terrible results. Experiment with at your own risk: