It’s using Advanced Content types without any custom code, and I was able to reproduce it with a clean install as follows:
– Created a new pod ‘atest’, content type: advanced content type.
– Named it, did not add any fields (so I just have out of the box fields name, date created, date modified, author, permalink)
– Went to admin ui tab and checked ‘date created’ under the search filters tab.
– Created a record to test with.
– In the manage atest screen, clicked on advanced filters, date created from and to are there and functional.
– Edit the date created field, advanced tab, checked ‘make field read only in ui’ and saved.
– Back to manage atest screen, advanced filters, date created from and to are still there but are now read only. So while my intention was just to stop it from being edited, I have now prevented admins from filtering on it.