OK, did some tests to start with; pagespeed without AO is 70 mobile and 72 for desktop (just add ?ao_noptimize=1 to the URL to test for yourself). With AO the score becomes 66 mobile and 79 desktop.
The main problem (and cause of the lower mobile pagespeed score) is the fact that you probably don’t have a page caching plugin (wp super cache or something similar). Without a page caching plugin Autoptimize has to perform some work for both JS and CSS to see if there already is an optimized version available. In your case this is made even worse by the fact that you have a plugin that is putting nonces (random values, a kind of one time pasword) in javascript, which means that most of the time for each page request the javascript has to be aggregated and optimized.
The solution would be to install a page caching plugin (WP Super Cache for example) AND to exclude the javascript that contains nonce’s from being aggregated in the first place (under “advanced options”, add “nonce” as string to javascript that should not be aggregated). While you’re in there, you’ll probably also want to jquery.js and flexslider, as that will fix your slider issue.
Next to that, I see you’re also using mod_pagespeed, that might … complicate things (the combination of both optimization techniques is untested and might be one of the reasons for the slowdown).
hope this helps,