• I’ve been developing websites from the beginning of time and have used heaps of approaches. I’ve used wordpress for almost ten years now. I’ve been running two sites on identical environments – one Gutenberg based and one Elementor based. My conclusion?
    If you’re on a tight budget and want a great looking website then go Elementor – BUT – there is a steep learning curve to get to grips with the tool (I find it increasingly frustrating to use) and your site is likely to be SO SO SLOW. With speed being important to Google rankings you may end up with a beautiful site that no-one ever finds on Google – and when they do it takes so long to load they wont visit anyway.
    Gutenberg as an editor is not perfect, you’ll struggle to get all the bells and whistles you want in terms of visual appeal BUT – you can get to grips with the tool after half an hour and the site will be way way quicker.
    So if you’ve got a small website – stay simple, use Gutenberg with a simple theme and don’t worry if your visual impact is slightly diminished.
    Have fun!

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