• Hi,
    As one of the translation editors, I just checked some strings that had been submitted by one of your users.
    While doing this, I noticed that you seem to be combining strings in some places, for instance:
    $body .= stripslashes_deep( $attendee->firstName ) . ' ' . stripslashes_deep( $attendee->lastName ) . ' ' . __( 'has submitted their RSVP and has RSVP\'d with', 'rsvp-plugin' ) . ' \'' . $attendee->rsvpStatus . "'.\r\n";

    With this string, you make it impossible for the translator to put the words in the order that may work best in the target language.

    Better to use printf() and allow the translator to place the name and the response separately (as %1$s and %2$s ).
    By the way: Did you know that many cultures usually pronounce the family name first, and then the given name?

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